Introduction of the “XTRA Blog” Category

Introduction of the “XTRA Blog” Category

XTRA Blog – The category that does not pertain to blogs and blogging, except that these posts are “extra” blog posts.  All the XTRA posts so far are Holiday Blog Posts for New Years Day, Easter, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Veterans Day, Thanksgiving and Christmas.

These XTRA blog posts are usually generated by OnYourMark, LLC. Some are generated from clients of OnYourMark, LLC…an idea we welcomed and shared with other clients…for free.

Future XTRA blog posts may cover the holidays mentioned, and others, like Presidents Day, Martin Luther King Day, Mothers Day, Fathers Day, Flag Day, equinoxes and solstices, and more.  We’ve done an XTRA blog post for every client (free) – and created both a 30-Second Commercial and their own YouTube Channel, which we created for their business (cost included as part of our $99/month premium hosting service).

Your thoughts are welcome!

Bloggey.com is a public service of OnYourMark, LLC.  OnYourMark integrates blogs, and social blogging platforms into every site we create. Then we add training and tutorials, security and support, hosting, email hosting, and internet marketing – all the “XTRAs” delivered super-affordably in a friendly, professional manner.

thumbs up icon to illustrate the "XTRA Blog" Category

We welcome your comments, questions and suggestions – please contact us anytime.

If you ever need help from proficient and productive real live people, please give us a shout!

Best to callemail or visit our site for priority response.

We do invite you to engage with us on social media (just not for immediate needs).   You will find us on the following social media sites, among many others:


NOTE: This blog category post outline created by humans and AI (outlining), then reviewed, formatted, fact-checked, edited, and optimized by real live people. Many current and future blog posts (after March, 2023) will also be outlined by AI and humans, then reviewed, formatted, fact-checked, edited, and optimized by real live people.

About the Author

Organizer, Wisconsin Business Owners

Founder & CEO, OnYourMark, LLC

Author, WebForging, A Practical Guide to the Art of Forging Your Web Presence

AMSOIL Dealer, Main Street Oil

Phone: 262-293-6970

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